Albéa Showcases Tailored Solutions For American Skin Care And Makeup Brands at Makeup In Los Angeles

Slight Cap & Meta Lg
Albea Cosmetics & Fragrances

At the MakeUp in Los Angeles show, Albéa showcased sustainable and innovative packaging solutions for American skin care and makeup brands.

Metamorphosis Kraft Paper TubeMetamorphosis Kraft Paper TubeAlbea Cosmetics & Fragrances

Albéa Tubes

  • launched the Metamorphosis paper-based tube with up to 50% paper content, paired with the Ecofusion top, produced at the Queretaro plant in Mexico to meet demand for local sustainable packaging.
  • introduced the Slight Cap, a low-profile cap with a 17% weight reduction compared to standard flip-top caps, designed for eco-friendliness.
  • presented the EcoTop family, featuring head-cap fusion in various sizes and shapes, offering customizable, sustainable designs.

North America CollectionAlbea Cosmetics & Fragrances

Albéa Cosmetics & Fragrance

  • debuted Polaris, a mono-material PP refillable jar with an attached invisible-hinge cap for easy use, built with the TWIRL refill system to promote refillable solutions and inclusivity.
  • highlighted the North America Collection, a range of 10 recyclable and reusable packaging solutions, including bottles, jars, compacts, and mascaras, all locally manufactured.
  • reinforced its commitment to reducing virgin plastic use by 20% by 2030, in line with Ellen MacArthur Foundation guidelines.