Active Concepts' AC Skinmuni-Tea Taps Matcha for Mood-boosting Well-aging & Skin Immunity

The technology comprises naturally sourced niacinamide (vitamin B3) and vitamin C derived from organic matcha, which is sourced from a family-run tea farm in Japan.
The technology comprises naturally sourced niacinamide (vitamin B3) and vitamin C derived from organic matcha, which is sourced from a family-run tea farm in Japan.
Thirdman at Pexels

Active Concepts new antioxidant AC Skinmuni-Tea, derived sustainably from organic matcha leaves and fermented with Lactobacillus, delivers both mood enhancement and skin care benefits. 

The technology comprises naturally sourced niacinamide (vitamin B3) and vitamin C derived from organic matcha, which is sourced from a family-run tea farm in Japan.

AC Skinmuni-Tea's key benefits reportedly include:

  • Anti-stress and mood improvement: offering the "soothing properties of matcha to promote relaxation and improve mood," per Active Concepts
  • Well-aging: enhancement of skin immunity, reduced inflammation, enhanced moisture retention and cellular renewal, and offers even more benefits for overall relaxation and skin health
  • Skin immunity: enhanced resilience against environmental stressors and strengthening the skin’s microbiome

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